Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kool Furniture for your Fire Pit

By now, you've built your fire pit and you are wondering what kind of seating are you going to put around this beauty. Someone whose opinion I really respect told me about Stone 2 Furniture. That someone is my wife, Mrs. FirePitStarter, and, though I value her opinion, she is not above a good joke. She wanted me to believe there is an artist, Dwayne Cranford, here in Colorado that makes chairs, tables, benches and other items out of stone. I thought very pretty, but oh my aching buns. I was mistaken. This artistry is both beautiful and comfortably functional.

This is foreveriture. Pass them down to your children and to their children. Dwayne Cranford describes his work this way. "At first I made tables, then simple chairs and today I have a full line of products that are made for indoor and outdoor use. I believe that everything should be built to last. That is why I have put the engineering and development into my products so that they will last a lifetime and beyond."Quoting the website, "This is furniture like no other furniture on earth. It requires no maintenance and with stands the test of time. Enduring beauty that is rock solid from start to finish." Who else dares make such a claim?

Yes ladies and gentlemen, that is an arrow through the stone tabletop. These are just a few of the examples of Mr. Cranford's work. Take a tour of the Stone 2 Furniture website for more interesting examples of his artwork and then imagine these unique pieces around your fire pit.

Whatever you do, don't pass up the chance to enter the Ugly Patio Furniture contest. You could win your own stone furniture worth $4,100. Now, how's that for kool?

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